原产于中国PH1035 | 醋酸洋红染色液 Acetocarmine Solution


产品名称 : PH1035 | 醋酸洋红染色液 Acetocarmine Solution
产品品牌 : 飞净 PHYGENE


货号 PH1035

名称 醋酸洋红染色液 Acetocarmine Solution

规格 50mL | 100mL | 250mL | 500mL

存储 Store at RT ,24个月有效。


醋酸洋红是一种比较常用的碱性染料, 常用于细胞核染色、染色体的固定和染色。在观察植物细胞有丝分裂时,对染色体进行染色,需要用碱性染液,此时可以使用醋酸洋红或龙胆紫染液。花粉检测中,可以采用醋酸洋红检测花粉是否处于单核期。醋酸洋红是一种比较常用的碱性染料, 常用于细胞核染色、染色体的固定和染色。主要用于花粉、动植物组织切片等样本中细胞学的染色,尤其适用于小麦花粉、洋葱根尖表皮细胞等,能够较为清楚的显示染色体、细胞核(被染成深红色),细胞质呈浅红色。在观察植物细胞有丝分裂时,对染色体进行染色,需要用碱性染液,此时可以使用醋酸洋红或龙胆紫染液。花粉检测中,可以采用醋酸洋红检测花粉是否处于单核期。



1、 花粉类颗粒:取少量花粉物质置于载玻片,滴加适量醋酸洋红染色液,充分混合,立即盖片染色 10~30min后,吸去多余液体,显微镜下观察。

2、 动植物切片:常规处理(如脱蜡至水),滴加醋酸洋红染色液染色 5~20min,自来水冲洗,封片,显微镜下观察。

3、 部分新鲜植物组织(如洋葱表皮),直接浸染于醋酸洋红染色液 5~20min, 自来水冲洗 2~3min,置于载玻片并盖上盖玻片,显微镜观察。


1、 染完色后,应立即显微镜下观察。

2、 由于本试剂含有高浓度弱酸,有刺激性气味,请注意自我保护。

3、 为了您的安全和健康,请穿实验服并戴一次性手套操作。

Acetate magenta is a relatively common basic dye, which is often used for nuclear staining, chromosome fixation and staining. When observing the mitosis of plant cells, it is necessary to use an alkaline dye solution to stain the chromosomes. At this time, you can use acetic acid magenta or gentian violet dye solution. In pollen detection, acetic acid magenta can be used to detect whether the pollen is in the mononuclear stage. Acetate magenta is a relatively common basic dye, which is often used for nuclear staining, chromosome fixation and staining. It is mainly used for cytological staining of pollen, animal and plant tissue sections and other samples, especially for wheat pollen, onion root tip epidermal cells, etc. It can clearly display chromosomes and nuclei (stained dark red), and the cytoplasm is light red . When observing the mitosis of plant cells, it is necessary to use an alkaline dye solution to stain the chromosomes. At this time, you can use acetic acid magenta or gentian violet dye solution. In pollen detection, acetic acid magenta can be used to detect whether the pollen is in the mononuclear stage.


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