产品名称 : | PH1815 | 任氏液 林格氏液 Ringer's Solution |
产品品牌 : | 飞净 PHYGENE |
任氏液(Ringer's solution)也叫林格氏液(Riger's Solution),是因为林格除了含有氯化钠成分,还含钠离子、钾离子、钙离子、氯离子等成分。因为它是由英国生理学家“林格”所发明,所以称林格氏液。是一种比较接近两栖动物内环境的液体,可以用来延长青蛙心脏在体外跳动时间、保持两栖类其他离体组织器官生理活性等。
Ringer's solution is a solution of several salts dissolved in water for the purpose of creating an isotonic solution relative to the body fluids of an animal. Ringer's solution typically contains sodium chloride, potassium chloride, calcium chloride and sodium bicarbonate, with the last used to balance the pH. Other additions can include chemical fuel sources for cells, including ATP and dextrose, as well as antibiotics and antifungals.
Ringer's solution is frequently used in in vitro experiments on organs or tissues, such as in vitro muscle testing. The precise mix of ions can vary depending upon the taxon, with different recipes for birds, mammals, freshwater fish, marine fish, etc.
Ringer's solution is named after Sydney Ringer, who in 1882–1885 determined that a solution perfusing a frog's heart must contain sodium, potassium and calcium salts in a definite proportion if the heart is to be kept beating for long.
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PH1812C | PBS缓冲液 pH7.2-7.4 磷酸盐缓冲液 0.01mol/L 细胞培养级 500ML
PH1021 | 4%戊二醛固定液 电镜专用 Glutaraldehyde Fixed Solution
PH0612 | Tris-乙酸电泳缓冲液(50×TAE)
PH0613 | Tris-硼酸电泳缓冲液(5×TBE Buffer)