产品名称 : | PH0713 | Tris碱 三羟甲基氨基甲烷 TRIS/Tris-base/THAM CAS:77-86-1 |
产品品牌 : | 飞净 PHYGENE |
货号 PH0713
名称 Tris-Base(三羟甲基氨基甲烷)
规格 100g | 500g | 1000g
保存 常温保存,长期有效
Tris base,即Tris碱,中文名也称为三(羟甲基)氨基甲烷,即生物化学和分子生物学中常常被配制成多种缓冲液,例如:Tris-EDTA(TE缓冲液),多用于核酸的纯化和储存,保护其不被核酸酶降解;Tris acetate-EDTA(TAE缓冲液)和Tris borate-EDTA(TBE缓冲液)普遍用作凝胶配制缓冲液以及电泳缓冲液。
Tris缓冲液不仅被广泛用作核酸和蛋白质的溶剂,还有许多重要用途。Tris被用于不同pH条件下的蛋白质晶体生长。Tris缓冲液的低离子强度特点可用于线虫(C. elegans)核纤层蛋白(lamin)的中间纤维的形成。Tris也是蛋白质电泳缓冲液的主要成分之一。此外,Tris还是制备表面活性剂、硫化促进剂和一些药物的中间物。Tris也被用作滴定标准物。
中文别名(Chinese synonym) 2-氨基-2-(羟甲基)-1,3-丙二醇;Tris 碱;氨基丁三醇;三(羟甲基)氨基甲烷;
英文别名(English synonym) THAM; Trizma base; Trometamol; Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane;
CAS号(CAS NO.) 77-86-1
分子式(Formula) NH2C(CH2OH)3
分子量(Molecular weight) 121.14
外观(Appearance) 白色结晶粉末至针状结晶
熔点(Melting point) 168-172 °C
溶解性(Solubility) 溶于水
纯度 99.9%
Tris, or tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane, or known during medical use as tromethamine or THAM, is an organic compound with the formula (HOCH2)3CNH2. It is extensively used in biochemistry and molecular biology as a component of buffer solutions such as in TAE and TBE buffers, especially for solutions of nucleic acids.
Buffering features
The conjugate acid of Tris has a pKa of 8.07 at 25 °C, which implies that the buffer has an effective pH range between 7.1 and 9.1 (pKa ± 1) at room temperature.
Buffer details
The pKa declines approximately 0.03 units per degree Celsius rise in temperature.
Silver-containing single-junction pH electrodes (e.g., silver chloride electrodes) are incompatible with tris since an Ag-tris precipitate forms which clogs the junction. Double-junction electrodes are resistant to this problem, and non-silver containing electrodes are immune.
Other names
TRIS, Tris, Tris base, Tris buffer, Trizma, Trisamine, THAM, Tromethamine, Trometamol, Tromethane, Trisaminol
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