产品名称 : | PH9030 | 氯化硝基四氮唑蓝 氯化硝基四氮唑兰/NBT CAS:298-83-9 |
产品品牌 : | 飞净 PHYGENE |
NBT was used to determine glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. It is also a precipitating reagent of blood factor I (fibrinogen). It is also one of the substrates of alkaline phosphatase, which produces insoluble blue products under the catalysis of alkaline phosphatase. It is often used in immunohistochemistry (IHC), immunocytochemistry (ICC) and western blot (WB). Quantification of REDOX enzymes and steroid compounds. Determination of succinate dehydrogenase in histochemistry. Determination of isozymes in clinical chemistry. Used as a cell stain, it can be reduced to a blue-purple azo compound (Diformazan) by dehydroenzymes in malignant cells.
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